Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Why Agree When We Can Destroy Each Other Instead?

It's astounding to me that the Good News doesn't always look so good these days and grace has become conspicuous for its absence in much of the speech and writing of Christians. I absolutely believe that God really is God - that God intentionally created all forms of life, as well as the universe in which we all live. I also believe that there is a real heaven and a real hell, and that the nature of heaven consists of living in unbroken and intimate relationship with God, and living in God's unmediated presence. Further, I believe that to experience relationship with God our creator, we must go through Jesus Christ - he is the bridge between human beings and God. How? By being God and becoming a human being. Being both God and human, he will be our judge. The thing is, he doesn't want to judge; he wants to embrace us! His grace is so abundant, I can't help but be amazed. But now, the way "Christians" are talking and blogging about political issues and presuming to publish pronouncements of the guilt and motivations of people they don't even know, it appears that some are trying to take over Christ's "judgment seat" but do not temper our judgment with the grace of Christ.

I again can't help but be amazed at the intemperate judgmentalism expressed by some who claim the name "Christian". It looks to me like some of us are intent upon destroying the reputation and wrecking the confidence of any who don't see things the way we do. Instead of following the biblical exhortation to "live in harmony with each other," we seek to destroy those with whom we disagree. May God have mercy upon us all, and may we allow God's grace to displace our pride, prejudice, and malice.

©2008 J. Michael Bryan. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

Nancy said...

AMEN! I sure saw that in myself -- I was such a self righteous judgmental PHARISEE! I am hopeful that I now live in the grace of GOD and am not trying to ADD to it to make myself more 'acceptable' to GOD -- nor apply it only to myself and not to others --- nor consider that it gives me the freedom to trample anyone else's freedom to seek and find TRUTH. It's very difficult to have a discussion when I begin with the assumption that I am right and any other opinion is WRONG!